Are you comfortable with spreadsheets, bank reconciliations, and financial reports?
Alwoodley 2030: Climate Action Hub needs you! Perhaps this could be your way to do your bit to help Alwoodley to move into a sustainable future for generations to come. Everyone who gets involved enjoys getting to know others in the community who care about making our community better. We are a constituted group, moving towards becoming a Community Interest Organisation, so you'll be joining during an ambitious and exciting time!
Responsibilities include:
Managing the Alwoodley 2030 finance email inbox
Liaising with Together for Peace who hold the A2030 funds
Authorising payments following approval process
Keeping an up to date spreadsheet of payments made so we have a clear idea of how much funding we have, this includes recording budgeted spend
Reporting (headline figures) to the Steering Group every 4-6 weeks
Checking quarterly A2030 spreadsheet against record of spending
Producing an annual report of spend, checking against T4P's account
Participating as an active member of the Alwoodley 2030 Steering Group (meeting approx 8-9 times per year at mutually agreed time).