
Alwoodley 2030 is a group of local people living, working or frequently spending time in Alwoodley, Leeds (the Ward).  We care deeply about climate and biodiversity breakdown and are taking urgent action together. Our aim is to do all we can in a short amount of time - by 2030 - to do "do our bit", in our corner of the planet, to help drive the transition to living in a way that our planet can sustain.   Specifically, we take local, community-driven action to make Alwoodley zero-carbon, and to take local responsibility to restore our local habitats and eco-systems that have been severely diminished in recent generations.

Alwoodley 2030 is one of eight climate hubs across Leeds set up by Climate Action Leeds to facilitate community-led climate action within neighbourhoods. Hub locations have been selected carefully to reflect the diversity of different geographical communities in Leeds, for example; market towns, inner city, outer suburbs, and more. In each area we are supporting residents to develop a local climate action group who will work with us to create their own community climate action plan, based on local priorities. The programme provides each local hub with budget for the activities agreed in their plan and the employment of a local hub worker for three years (two days per week) to support the group, hub and activities. 

The Hub Worker for Alwoodley is Jennifer Walper Roberts who can be reached at info@alwoodley2030.org.

Steering Group

Steering Group. The Steering Group takes the eagle view, setting strategic priorities and providing governance and transparency. The Steering Group is responsible for ensuring that the work is community-led, empowering the community to take smart, supported, strategic, impactful action. Our current members are:

Susie Gordon, Chair of Alwoodley 2030 Steering Group, COO of Leeds Jewish Representative Council, Independent Facilitator and Coach

Why I joined the Steering Group: I have been involved in Alwoodley 2030 from it’s conception and would like to see it succeed as a resident in Alwoodley, someone already involved in community development on a professional level and happy to use my skills to help which is far more around strategy and the macro picture rather than more operational on a micro level. 

Elizabeth Watson, Vice Chair of Alwoodley 2030 Steering Group,  Retired Head Teacher and DfE Consultant, Former Chair of Governors

Why I joined the Steering Group: "I have a lot to learn and want to make that clear from the start. However, I am convinced that we need to significantly shift the way most of us think and act and so I would like to help this group to be effective. My background is in education. I was Headteacher of a Secondary School before working for few years with the DfE so helping to shape strategy and translate that into action planning was part of the job. After retirement, I was a Chair of Governors for several years again dealing with how effectively strategy can be translated into action. If I can be of help on the Steering Group, it will be because of this background." 

Simon Phillips, Member Alwoodley 2030, Community Engagement Officer at Leeds Jewish Housing Association, Interfaith Director of Leeds Jewish Representative Council, Co-Chair Homes & Energy Thematic Group, Co-Lead Alwoodley Interfaith Climate Network

Why I joined the Steering Group. "As members of faith communities, we have a particular ethical and moral imperative to look after the planet. Cohesive and fulfilling neighbourhoods and communities are so important in physical and mental well-being, and the climate is integral to this. Energy efficiency and sustainability are important to the residents we support at Leeds Jewish Housing Association".

Stephanie Clark, Alwoodley 2030 Treasurer, Retired Civil Servant Accountant, Member of Friends of Adel Woods

Why I joined the Steering Group: I joined the Steering Group "because this is something important to get involved in. I am quite happy to be a follower, if that's what's needed, but if jobs need to be done I believe it's the right thing to offer to do them. I am an retired civil servant accountant. I am Alwoodley born and bred, with a few years away in my late teens/twenties. I like walking, travelling, playing Bridge and am a Friend of Adel Woods. I have 3 grown up children."

Cath Taylor, Member of Alwoodley 2030 Steering Group, Outdoor and Farm Educator, Gardener, Activist

Why I joined the Steering Group: i have always been involved in my community whether charity work or volunteer work and I have always been a defender of nature, people’s rights and climate action so this role is a combination of both those aspects of my life. 

Cherry Tucker, Member Alwoodley 2030 Steering Group

I'm 16, I have been engaged in the environment and nature since I was a small child. In 2019, I started striking from school. I formed many connections with amazing people across Leeds. I spoke at all of the strikes I attended. I also joined the group planning the strikes. I am still part of Youth4Climate, and I am continuing to plan actions to create a better world. I strive to see soical justice and care for the world and other people fostered. While this is something that gets me fired up and excited, something I have felt for a long time is the fact that building strong and secure communities to offer support is the single biggest action we can take to begin addressing the climate crisis. By valuing our local land and the resources it holds, as well as valuing the information and skills people who live there have, we can start building a world we want to see. Many people also struggle to understand how the climate crisis affects them, as it feels very removed. However by asking them the changes they need in their environment and making them greener and sustainable, we can begin to create care and passion to address the climate crisis. Especially if they are shown their skills and ideas are relevant. Addressing the climate crisis allows us to build a world more suited to the people who live in it, rather than coperations and governments. While I belive firmly in the need for political legislation and change, I also belive that communities can have an incredible influence on their own lives, and by starting small, we can make a difference. 

Usama Ahemd, Member Alwoodley 2030 Steering Commtitee

[To be Updated]

Paul Magnall, Member Alwoodley 2030 Steering Committee, Sustainability Lead at Allerton CofE Primary, Education Technologist

Why I joined the Steering Committee: "I have been an environmentalist for most of my life. I work in Alwoodley at Allerton CE Primary School as their Sustainability Lead though I live in Chapel Allerton. I am actively involved in many of the "themes" that Alwoodley 2030 is tackling and am seeking ways to integrate solutions into all areas of my life as well as encouraging others to engage with them. I hope that I will be able to contribute some wisdom and ideas to the committee as well as supporting the building of a dynamic and organic movement"

Thematic Groups

These groups look at the bigger picture and set strategy and measures for our projects. They liaise with the steering group to touch base and maintain transparency, accountability and align with core values. Current groups include:

Project Groups

Project Teams (Soon to be Called "Circles"): These are smaller groups of people who want to take specific and focussed action. Some of these will arise from a plan created by a thematic group. Others will emerge organically in hyper-local areas with friends and neighbours.  Someone from these circles connects with the thematic group to align with strategic priorities.  Existing opportunities to form a circle or join a current one are listed on our projects page.