Affiliated Organisations

Become Affiliated with Alwoodley 2030

Are you part of an Alwoodley-based or Alwoodley-serving organisation that does work to reduce carbon consumption / emissions, promote nature & biodiversity and promote social justice and inclusion? We would be very happy to co-promote your events and activities and to do what we can to maximise your reach and impact. You'll see, for example, that we've begun working with the Friends of Adel Woods to cross-promote their projects. Be in touch with us at to explore how we can work together, especially if you're working on any of the following:

Have you been thinking of starting an Alwoodley-Based community group in any of these areas? Please also get in touch as we may be able to help.

Join the Alwoodley Nature Recovery Network

We believe that Alwoodley can be the lungs and and catalyst for a biodiverse and habitat rich Leeds. The government has set some targets to restore nature across the UK, and we are exploring how Alwoodley's local nature-promoting groups can join to gether to accelerate this journey from a local level.  Our friends in Otley developed a Local Nature Recovery Plan, approved and supported by their town council, to set nature recovery priorities and tap into funding. We are just beginning to gather local ecologists, friends-of-groups, animal rescue experts, habitat development enthusiasts and casual nature lovers to discover how we can map and assess the needs of our local nature and set joined up priorities.  Please get in touch if you want to be strategic and lend your expertise and advice. Please also register for upcoming nature recovery meetings.

Join the Alwoodley Interfaith Climate Network

No human beings have lived at a time with such an opportunity to make a difference. The challenges we face are vast and truly existential. Whilst taking action alone is positive for people's well-being, we also know that it takes community, personal, spiritual / meditative practice, and returning to core values to maintain active hope and cultivate energy to keep going. We have so much to draw upon from our faith and cultural traditions and practices.

For this reason, we aim to gather members of all faiths who would like to unify each others paths to provide the collective energy and grounding that we need. We welcome members of Alwoodley-based faith organisations as well as individuals from faiths that do not have an institution based in Alwoodley. 

We aim to work with faith-based organisations and individuals across the city and beyond, including Faiths for the Climate, Eco Church and Eco Judaism to make a difference to our world. 

If you would be interested in becoming part of Alwoodley Interfaith Climate Network, please contact us to get involved.